Our Essentials
There are some things that we are not willing to compromise on when it comes to our children's health and education. These are some of those things, and you can be assured that your child will receive all of these benefits at The Savvy Apple Preschool.
Eating healthy is vital to both growth and development of the mind and body. Your child will be served organic and natural foods for snack and lunch every day. We believe that it is best for children to eat foods free from chemicals, pesticides, food additives, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. Many of the foods we will serve are grown by local farmers and will even come from The Savvy Apple's backyard - our own, student-maintained, organic garden!
We believe it is essential to use the strengths of different educational philosophies to teach children. We use a blended methods approach to teaching. While we are largely inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, we also incorporate some Montessori methods in our curriculum.
Reggio-Inspired: We are inquiry-based, meaning that children's natural curiosities and questions will drive the isntruction in the classrooms. We believe that teachers are an important part of guiding students to understanding. The classroom must be an environment conducive to learning and encourage exploration by students. Most of the day will be spent working collaboratively.
Montessori-Inspired: We believe that it is important for students to have some independent learning time, as it allows children to learn at their own pace and have instruction differentiated for their own learning needs. Students are encouraged to be independent by setting the table for snack and lunch, washing their own hands, getting materials by themselves, and making their own choices, for example. Students will learn these skills through practical life work stations. Classrooms are multi-age and development plays a large role in deciding when children are ready to move to the next classroom.
Blended Methods Approach

Enrichment for Multiple Intelligences
We believe that all children are gifted. Students can be gifted in many different areas, and it is essential to expose students to multiple forms of learning to allow their strengths to be recognized.
We offer different enrichment classes during the week in the areas of art, music, yoga, Spanish, and sign language!

Eco-friendly Environment
We are very passionate about taking care of our environment. After all, we are leaving this planet for our children to inherit! We also believe that it is important to teach our children how to take care of our environment and why it's important to do so! Not only are we helping our Earth by doing this, but we are keeping our children healthy and safe. These are some of the ways that we are eco-friendly:
​We use all-natural cleaners and pesticides.
Fresh, natural, and organic food.
Recycled paper products, such as paper towels and toilet paper.
Energy efficient practices.
Our building was painted with zero VOC (volatile organic compound) paint.
Recycling bins are easily accessible throughout our school.
​We recycle paper, plastic, aluminum, and glass, as well as dispose of old electronics, batteries, and other items properly.
We grow and maintain an organic garden.
We send newsletters and other information home via e-mail and through our website (paper copies available upon request).
The majority of our classroom materials are made from recycled products, are wooden, or come from environmentally-responsible companies.
Our lunches and snacks are served with zero trash - all items are reusable.
We do not allow smoking anywhere, anytime on our premises.
We encourage parents to keep cars from idling in the parking lot.

Learning is
School should be fun and actively engaging for children to ensure a lifelong love and passion for learning! At The Savvy Apple Preschool, children will explore, imagine, create, and discover. They will dance, sing, laugh, and play. We promise that they will have fun and learn at the same time - two absolutely essential things for a child to do!
Questions? Want to learn more about some of our essentials?
E-mail us at thesavvyapple@gmail.com!